Sunday School
Join us Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in Room 2 for Adult Sunday School.
Bible Studies/Prayer Meetings
We currently offer 4 different Bible Studies throughout the year: morning and evening Bible Studies at the church, a home-based Bible Study and a Bible Study outreach to Vancrest of Eaton residents. Check our calendar for dates and times!
Emmaus Share Groups
Women's Emmaus Share Group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month.
Children’s Ministries
In addition to Sunday School, we reach out to our community by hosting various children's events throughout the year: Vacation Bible School, Fall Festival, Breakfast with Santa and more!
Ministry to the Elderly
Join us for a time of food and fellowship at our 55+ Luncheon! Our luncheon features a guest speaker and gathers on the first Thursday of every month.
Music Ministry
Music ministry is one of the strengths of Eaton Methodist Church, and our Chancel and Bell Choirs are the perfect opportunities to use your musical gift! Practices are held on Wednesday evenings.